Access Pass
+ What do I do if I see someone not adhering to policies?
As a cooperative, we depend on our members to take care of their space and be respectful of their fellow members. If you observe anyone not adhering to policies, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
+ Under 18, what do I do?
If you want to climb during Open Hours or purchase an Access Pass , check out our Minor Policy .
+ I purchased/renewed my access pass, now what?
We'll send you a follow-up email with Next Steps. Check your spam folder.
Keep in mind, we are volunteer run and this is not an automated process so it may take up to 24 hours to receive an email and longer on weekends.
You can not use the Co-op until the Next Steps are completed.
+ Why doesn't my key fob work?
When you buy access, your fob is not automatically activated. Usually, we can activate your fob within 24hrs, but sometimes it may take up to 48 hrs depending on volunteer availability. We will send a follow-up email with your Next Steps.
If your fob doesn't work, send us an email .
+ What do I do if I forget my key fob?
Go get it. You must check-in/out, so we can accurately keep track of how many members are in the Co-op. You can’t be in the Co-op without a fob.
+ What happens when I forget to check-in?
Make sure to check-in immediately. This confirms you’re an access pass holder. The monitor displays your name and capacity is updated on the website.
+ I checked in, but why doesn't my name show up on the monitor?
Two possible reasons:
- The scanner can be weird. Try a few more times. If it still doesn't work, send us an email .
- The system automatically checks you out if you've been at the Co-op more than three hours. Check-in again.
+ What happens if I forget to check out?
You'll automatically be checked out after three hours.
+ Can I slackline?
Maybe. If it seems too crowded to slackline, it’s too crowded. Not sure, ask. Be respectful of other climbers.
+ Can I coach clients at the Co-op?
Maybe...let's chat. Send us an email .
+ What is the refund policy?
View the current policy here.
+ What is the pet policy?
View the current policy here.
+ Who is a guest?
Refer to our guest policy.
+ Who is a sponsor?
Refer to our guest policy.